The inability to conceive a child is heart-breaking for a couple. Fertilization of sperm and egg is a miracle of nature that is a very sensitive process. There can be a number of obstacles to this. Identifying these obstacles is at times difficult for the doctors.
However, at Easy Mom, the experience of the professionals speaks for them.
Infertility assessment is carried on both partners.
The causes of infertility can be:
Male Infertility And Andrology
There are a number of conditions in which the men are unable to fertilize the women:
Underlying Health conditions
Long-standing diabetes, thyroid problems, and hypertension medications can lead to decreased libido and poor sexual performance that can pose problems in inducing pregnancy.
Diseases that affect the scrotum (mumps, measles, and chickenpox) also add up to be a risk factor of infertility. Though the diseases occur in childhood, they can leave a permanent impact.
Bad habits such as drinking alcohol and cigarette smoking are also linked to male infertility.
Testicular Issues
Varicocele refers to the condition of abnormally dilated veins in the testicular sac (scrotum). This dilation makes an unfavorable environment for the production of sperms.
Hormonal Disturbances
Sperm production is directly influenced by the hormones in the body. Disturbances in the hormones (FSH, LH, and testosterone, etc.) can interfere with the normal production and nourishment of the sperms which may lead to decreased sperm count and/or motility.
Female Infertility
Factors of female infertility have been studies more elaborate and are therefore classified into groups:
Group 1
This is characterized by hormonal changes due to alterations in the gland (or the brain). The major hormonesinclude FSH, LH, prolactin.
Group 2
Group 2 considers ovarian issues including ovarian cysts (polycystic ovarian syndrome), endometriosis, and premature ovarian failure.
Group 3:
Premature Ovarian Failure.
Issues of the fallopian tube are grouped under group 3. Blockage of the absence of fallopian tubes falls in group3 female infertility factors.
Group 4:
This group is reserved for issues of the uterus. Conditions such as fibroids in the uterus or bloody cysts in the uterus (adenomyosis) can prevent the successful implantation of the embryo and lack of fertilization.
You can check the WHO classification of anovulation by clicking here.
Infertility Assessment